Creative Ways to Document Your Honeymoon

Creative Ways to Document Your Honeymoon

Once the excitement and anxiety of your wedding has subsided, it’s time to start planning your first big adventure as newlyweds. Some couples look forward to their honeymoon far more than the actual wedding day, and with good reason. A honeymoon is the perfect time to spend some quality time with your new spouse, often from the comfort of an idyllic tropical location. Between the sun and the fun, however, a honeymoon can sometimes seem to fly by in the blink of an eye. Extend the joy of your vacation for the entirety of your married life with this guide to six creative ways to document your honeymoon.

Take a photo every day

A picture is worth a thousand words, so it stands to reason that one of the best ways to commemorate your first vacation as newlyweds is through photographs. Finding the time to pose for a photo op can be tricky, especially if your honeymoon includes an endless array of exciting activities. If this is the case, try to make a resolution to take at least one good photo today. Even if it’s just a selfie, these photos will serve as great documentation of your trip. Consider bringing along a Polaroid camera on your trip. You’ll be able to keep the photos as souvenirs long after your honeymoon ends, and you can use them as decoration in your home. Once you return from your honeymoon, you can also employ a photo digitizing service to create digital copies of these Polaroid photos. This will enable you to easily share your honeymoon photos with all your friends and family with the simple click of a button. It also serves as a safety net in the event the original photo prints become damaged or lost during the course of your marriage.

Keep a journal

If photos aren’t quite your thing, consider painting a picture with words instead. Keeping a journal during your honeymoon is a great way to remember all the special moments you and your spouse shared during your first adventure as newlyweds. Take a few moments each morning or evening to document your thoughts, feelings, and adventures in a journal. You and your spouse can even take turns writing in the journal. This journal will serve as a wonderful keepsake of your first few weeks as a married couple. As the years go on, you and your spouse will be able to return to this journal and relive the memories of your honeymoon in vivid detail. 

Start a blog

You can also give your honeymoon journal a digital twist and share it with the world in the form of a blog. This blog can document the days leading up to the honeymoon, including the planning and preparation, as well as the time spent on the vacation itself. There are many websites that allow users to create a personal blog for free, so it’s never been easier to document and share your honeymoon experiences. As your marriage progresses, you can continue to utilize this blog to share stories of your future travels, the birth of children, and all the other wonderful adventures that come with married life.

Take home a taste of paradise

Your honeymoon is the time to let loose and indulge in all the best food and drink the world has to offer. While on your honeymoon, try to avoid chain restaurants and frequent local establishments instead. This will make your vacation all the more special and will allow you to experience the local culture to its fullest. Try to sample as much of the local cuisine as possible and create a list of your favorite dishes. Then do your best to find recipes for these dishes, whether online or in a cookbook. Some of the dishes may contain special ingredients or spices that may be hard to find in grocery stores. Be sure to stock up on such items (barring any airline restrictions that may be in place regarding traveling with food) before departing for home. Once you’ve returned home, you can create a cookbook for all the recipes you learned on your honeymoon. Save these recipes for special occasions, such as anniversaries or date nights, or serve them once a week. Every time you taste these dishes, you’ll be transported back to your honeymoon.

Build a shadow box

On some occasions memories are accompanied by tangible items and artifacts. Chances are you’ll come across several tiny trinkets to commemorate your adventures. Rather than placing these items on a mantle where they’ll only collect dust and dirt, consider creating a colorful shadow box instead. Shadow boxes can be purchased at most craft supply stores or can be built using relatively few materials. Start by creating a base within your shadow box, either with sand, pebbles, or international currency from your trip. Once you’ve created a base, you can fill the remaining space with small mementos from your honeymoon. Shells, tickets, maps, pressed flowers, and photographs are all great additions to a shadow box. If you prefer, you can glue down all items in the shadow box to ensure they remain exactly where they ought to throughout the years. After you’ve settled every item in the shadow box, be sure to seal it up tight. This will prevent any dirt, dust, or water from entering the box and damaging the items within.

Buy a souvenir for your spouse

This may seem a bit silly, but buying a souvenir for your spouse is a fun and creative way to document your honeymoon. Pinpoint a price limit at the beginning of your honeymoon and then spend the course of your vacation hunting for the perfect souvenir for your spouse. Try your best to keep your purchase a secret from your spouse until the final day of your honeymoon. Exchange gifts and revel in the memories you made with your spouse during your vacation. As the years go by, your spouse will be able to look at the souvenir and recall the memories you created together on your honeymoon, and vice versa. Be sure to display the souvenirs in a place of honor once you return home. They will serve as a lovely conversation piece for guests who visit your humble abode.

Ways to Document Your Honeymoon

Daniel Greenblatt