Reasons to Digitize Family Films

Reasons to Digitize Family Films

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a film ought to be worth at least a thousand. For many people, however, family videos and films are priceless. The images and moments stored in videos are some of the most precious memories in a family’s history, and they deserve to be treated as such. Unfortunately, as time passes, these precious family films can begin to deteriorate, causing the memories encased inside to become damaged and lost to the ages. Preserving these films, therefore, is of the utmost importance. By bringing these films into the digital age, the memories stored inside are able to live on forever. As this guide will explore, there are many reasons to digitize family films, some of which are practical while some are a bit more sentimental. Whatever the case may be, digitizing your family films is a great way to bring the family closer together.

Improve video quality

One of the most practical reasons to digitize family films is that it can improve the video quality significantly. Over time, the quality and integrity of film can deteriorate significantly. This is particularly true of older videos that were filmed using now-outdated technology. Most video and film reels of this nature have not been stored or cared for properly. As a result, the film becomes brittle, cracked, or otherwise damaged. When the film becomes significantly impaired, the videos stored within will no longer be accessible. Digitizing family films helps avoid the risk of damaged film almost entirely. Even film reels that may have experienced slight deterioration can be digitized safely. The film is handled with care at all times to ensure that no further damage occurs at any point during the digitization process. Once the film has been digitized, it can be further enhanced to improve the color and quality of the video as a whole. Whereas analog films can sometimes appear blurry or disjointed, digitizing your family film allows you to relive your memories in stunning color and intensity.

Simpler sharing

Family memories are best when shared with others. Digitizing your family films is a great way to bring together loved ones from far and wide. Films can be digitized into a variety of different video formats, depending on the intended use and the desires of the individual. Certain video formats are better suited to certain applications, and some formats are designed specifically for sharing across the internet. Formatting your digitized films into a configuration that is specifically intended for sharing across email, text, or social media posts enables you to share your treasured memories with the simple click of a button. In our current climate when so many people are social distancing, this ability to share family films can help bring people closer than ever. Digitized films can also be stored in a digital system that can be accessible by individuals all over the world.

Create a visual and oral history

Family films are not always for personal use and can often provide invaluable insight into how history and culture have changed over the years. Digitizing your family films makes it easier to document these changes and create a visual and oral history that can be referenced for decades. While photographs can be a great means for recalling historical changes, film and video add more depth and life to the stories being told. Through video, we are able to see how people talked, moved, and lived their lives throughout history. We can listen to once-popular music in real-time and hear different dialects and slang words directly from people who used them in their everyday lives. Using digitized film to create an oral history helps preserve these important cultural elements for generations.

Solidify memories

Life is made up of a million important moments. Unfortunately, because of the limitations of the human brain, not every memory will stand the test of time. Documenting important moments is therefore extremely necessary. Filming your memories is a great start, but even these videos can deteriorate over time. This is particularly true for older video technologies that have since gone the way of the dinosaurs. In order to truly solidify these memories, the film should be converted to a digital platform. Unlike an analog format, digital film and videos cannot decay or become lost. Because they can be stored in a variety of different digital formats and platforms, your digital memories can be easily accessed from almost anywhere. Multiple backup files can also be created for one file to further ensure its security. There is a lot of versatility in regard to the potential file formats for digitized film. You can even use a digitized DVD service if you prefer to have your digital films in an analog format as well.

Reduce clutter

As our society moves to an increasingly digital landscape, the desire to adopt a more minimalist lifestyle has also become more prevalent. Digitizing your family film, photos, and personal documents can help you achieve a more clutter-free lifestyle. With your precious memories safely stored in a digital format, you will be able to remove and recycle dusty tapes and film reels from storage for good. Digitizing film not only helps reduce physical clutter but can also help you maintain a more organized digital presence. Once your film has been converted to a digital format, you can begin to collate and organize the files in a more structured manner. Creating separate file folders for different types of files and sorting them according to the date or location that the film was taken will make it easier to locate and access your videos over the years.

Pass it on for posterity

One of the most compelling reasons to preserve your family film stems from sentimentality. By digitizing your film, you will be able to pass on your most treasured memories for future generations. Your grandchildren will be able to look back on films from your youth, just as you once did with your own grandparents. Passing on films and videos in this way helps maintain a stronger familial connection across generations, while also preserving important moments in your family’s history and culture.

Digitize Family Films Infographic
Daniel Greenblatt