Reasons To Digitize Your Media Sooner Than Later

Reasons To Digitize Your Media Sooner Than Later

If you’ve been on the fence about digitizing your photos, videos, and old cassette tapes for too long, there’s no better time to make the final decision than the present. You never know what could be around the corner that will get in the way of protecting your fragile memories of the past. With so many reasons to digitize your media sooner than later, you’ll wonder what made the decision so difficult in the first place.

Disaster Can Strike Anytime

No matter where you store your sentimental pieces of media, there’s no telling when a natural disaster can suddenly rip them away from you. Even something that seems as minor as a small basement flood can ruin any kind of media and cause destructive mold growth in areas you may have thought were safe. It’s impossible to predict what year, month, or day will have a severe weather event or household disaster, but keeping your media digitally backed up with cloud storage will ensure that the memories last for generations to come.

Media Doesn’t Age Gracefully

Just like people, your memories don’t get any younger with each passing day. Physical media formats have a limited lifespan and will degrade over time—especially old photos and film. By digitizing them as soon as possible, you’ll save them from further degradation and eternalize them in a digital format. You may be doing all that you can to protect them while they’re in storage at home, but it won’t stop them from aging completely.

Create a Project Everyone Can Enjoy Together

If you have a lot of older friends or family members, they might like to see a digital collection of their memories—especially if they haven’t seen the media since they locked them in storage. Sometimes, the greatest reason to digitize your media sooner than later is that it’s in the best interest of your project’s audience. You may need the old media to create a digital presentation for an audience that may pass away within the next few years. As gloomy as it may be to consider peoples’ lifespans, it’s a reality that could bring you down if you wait too long to bring their memories to life on a digital screen.

No matter what your reasons are for requiring media digitizing services, DiJiFi has the client care and quality workmanship to handle any of your digitizing projects, big or small. Trust us to handle your precious media with the same care you would give to it yourself.

Daniel Greenblatt