7 Ways To Remove Unnecessary Clutter From Your Home

7 Ways To Remove Unnecessary Clutter From Your Home

If there’s one thing for sure, it’s that life can get messy! Clutter exists in almost every corner of life: in drawers, shelves, closets, and in digital spaces like computers and phones! It’s easy for clutter to fill every empty space in your home, which is why consolidating and eliminating remnants before it becomes unmanageable is vital.

Fortunately, achieving an uncluttered life isn’t an impossible feat. With determination and a few helpful methods, you can toss mess from your home and maintain a welcoming living space.

Here are seven ways to remove unnecessary clutter from your home:

Tackle the Worst Area First

While visible areas in your home, such as counters and shelves, act as additional storage space, allowing these zones to overfill can make a room appear chaotic. Much like a made bed in the morning, counters and shelving have a significant effect and influence the ambiance of a room.

When focusing on these areas, you want to start by throwing away trash and other worn items that no longer serve a purpose. Counter space can also fall victim to collecting random objects; if this is the case in your home, prioritize returning items to their proper location.

Once you adjust what’s left, you can analyze the zone for additional clutter that needs removal. It helps to remember that visible storage areas should look tidy after decluttering. If they still appear unkept, there might still be items to toss or move somewhere else.

Eliminate Clutter As if You’re Moving

Closets can succumb to mountains of clothes, shoes, and other items that occupy space and create clutter. To minimize the mess, try approaching the decluttering process as if you were moving into a new home. Take a look at your closet and envision placing shirts, sweaters, and coats into boxes as if you’ll move out in a few weeks.

As you scan the area, remember your goal! You want to pull out any clothing that you no longer wear, don’t like, or notice damage on. By organizing your closet and separating clothing, you’ll experience a fresh start that’s void of unused clothing.

Pro Tip

You can toss damaged or torn garments into the garbage or cut them into squares to utilize as rags or dusting cloths!

Gather Similar Objects Together

For this method, you’ll tackle decluttering and organization using a store display approach. Most grocery and retail businesses display merchandise in one aisle, often grouping similar items together to create a cohesive flow.

When grouping items together, consider collecting them based on their function. For example, you can organize the drawers within your work desk by grouping pens from each compartment. It would help to have a coin jar readily available so that you can place loose change in it when emptying your pockets.

You can place safety pins, clips, and thumb tacks in smaller containers to avoid losing them or hurting yourself when searching in drawers.

Purge the Area of Duplicates

If you’re like most, you might have duplicate items hiding throughout your space. Whether acquired intentionally or not, it’s easy to bring in duplicates of the same object, especially after losing track of the first one.

This concept doesn’t mean it’s time to restrict yourself to one pair of denim pants or toss out bottles of body wash. Instead, just remember that it helps to scan your inventory. You may have the same black lounge pants in different sizes but find yourself only wearing one. You may currently have two blenders that operate very similarly.

While challenging in the beginning, parting with duplicate household goods becomes easy and rewarding once you realize that someone in need could benefit from them. Once you part ways with goods you no longer need, consider donating them to organizations that can put the items to use.

Reduce Paper Clutter

If there is anything that promotes clutter the most, it’s paper! While seemingly harmless at first glance, paper clutter builds up, potentially taking over countertops, desk drawers, and dining room tables! To mitigate the consequence of stagnant junk mail and magazines, sift through your mail.

While you always want to prioritize keeping paper statements and bills, consider ridding yourself of newspapers, credit card offers, newsletters, and sales pamphlets. You still want to store crucial billing information neatly to ensure it’s readily available when you need it.

Pro Tip

For those who don’t enjoy receiving mail and have access to a computer, consider opting for digital copies of account statements and billing. By selecting this option, you’ll eliminate the need for storing paper for safekeeping by having digital copies you can refer to at any time.

Digitize Essential Documents

Speaking of digital files and storage, you can declutter your home by digitizing your records. Instead of having hundreds of essential files occupying space in a file cabinet, you can maintain the same items in a hard drive that promotes increased safety and organization.

You also won’t have to worry about skimming various bins for favorite family photos; simply type the name of the desired document into your computer’s file system to locate it faster.

Store Seasonal Items

There’s nothing wrong with decorating your space for the holiday season or any other occasion. However, it’s easy to keep seasonal décor and clothing out in the open for accessibility.

In this case, you’ll want to categorize household goods and clothing by season, ensuring they’re easier to find when the period rolls around.

You can place bins in your attic or basement, or you can acquire an outdoor shed or storage unit to house things safely. After clearing the area, you’ll realize how much space you had to work with!

While the idea of living a relatively clutter-free life is appealing to most, it’s easy to become overwhelmed when attempting to clear your space. Adopting habits that promote tidiness takes time; using these ways to remove unnecessary clutter from your home can help your space immediately look and feel better.

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7 Ways To Remove Unnecessary Clutter From Your Home
Daniel Greenblatt