The Best Ways To Preserve Your Analog Media

The Best Ways To Preserve Your Analog Media

There are many new ways to listen to your favorite audio files, and you probably have a broad analog media collection, including records, cassette tapes, and CDs. Sometimes, analog media collectors don’t store their items correctly, leading to degradation and mold growth. Fortunately, you can enjoy all of these analog tapes again through proper preservation. Learn the best ways to preserve your analog media.

Store Your Media Upright and in a Cool Room

Finding a way to store your media might be difficult. You shouldn’t place a record upside down by accident; otherwise, you risk it falling out of its sleeve and breaking. If you don’t have space to store them flat, then keep them upright. It’s not only records that need to stand up—it also extends to cassettes and reels.

You should store reels tail-out, so you must rewind them before storing them. Also, investing in high-quality storage shelves is a good idea so the reels and cassette tapes have proper storage.

Don’t Overplay Your Audio Tapes

Overplaying analog media could harm the collection. As much as you enjoy playing your content repeatedly, it could wear out your media. You could even damage the record or cassette tape if you don’t use the correct disc stylus. Limit the number of plays for every record.

Digitize Your Analog Media for Better Access

If you want to play your records to your heart’s content, then try digitizing your analog media. Digitizing old songs, conversations with friends, and audiobooks retains the original quality of your media. The files are easy to access whenever you want to listen to them.

The professionals at DiJiFi believe digitizing analog media files is the best way to preserve your favorite records, cassettes, and reels. We offer digital conversion services to anyone wanting to relive the magic of listening to their favorite audio files.

Daniel Greenblatt