What To Do With Old VHS Tapes and Cassette Tapes

What To Do With Old VHS Tapes and Cassette Tapes

Do you have boxes of old VHS and cassette tapes that you don’t know what to do with? Don’t worry—you’re not alone!

Many people have old collections lying around that they’re not sure what to do with. Our guide will give you some suggestions for putting those tapes to good use.

Convert to Digital

Do you want to free up some space in your basement, attic, or storage unit but don’t want to lose the precious memories from family videos and cassette tapes? You can have it both ways by converting your tapes to digital!

At DiJiFi, we offer film transfer services to convert your old films and tapes to digital files so you can get rid of the physical copies without losing the memories. Your digital files will far outlive any physical tape, and you can access and watch them from your phone, laptop, or tablet whenever you want.

Donate Them

If you’ve got an old collection of VHS movies and cassette tapes you have no use for anymore, that doesn’t mean someone else won’t want them. We all know the proverb, “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.”

Some examples of places you can donate unwanted tapes include:

  • Goodwill

  • Libraries

  • Universities

  • Salvation Army

  • Craigslist

Recycle Safely

Don’t need your old tapes anymore or don’t want to go through the hassle of giving them away? No problem—just make sure that you recycle your old tapes properly. VHS and cassette tapes are known as magnetic media, which means they can contain harmful chemicals and metals that can damage the environment if they wind up in a landfill. Find a place near you to dispose of e-waste safely.

Upcycle Them Into Craft Projects

Instead of throwing away or donating your old tapes, you can upcycle them into fun and unique crafts! We’ve got some suggestions for turning your tapes into works of art.

Cassette Tape Business Card Holder

Do you always carry business cards? Protect them with a cassette business card holder. They’re easy to make—just split open and hollow out a cassette tape—and are guaranteed to leave an impression on whoever sees your card holder.

VHS Tape Bookends

Want to add a little vintage flair to your bookshelf? Consider turning your favorite old VHS tapes into unique bookends! You only need some VHS tapes, super glue, and a stand to hold them up.

Cassette Tape Pencil Holder

If your desk looks a little plain, add something fun and distinctive with a cassette tape pencil holder. All it takes to make one is four cassette tapes, some superglue, and cardboard.

Stack the tapes vertically, with the tall sides touching like you’re making a square tube. Superglue the long sides of the tapes together and some cardboard on the bottom, and you’ve got a unique pencil holder that shows your love of vintage music!

We’ve given you plenty of ideas on what to do with your old VHS and cassette tapes, so what will you do with them? If you want to convert them to digital, don’t forget to consult the professionals at DiJiFi!

Daniel Greenblatt